Why the Chirp Wheel+ May Hurt at First

Why the Chirp Wheel+ May Hurt at First

As you roll out on your Chirp Wheel+, there are a lot of things helping your back pain: posture correction, massage, acupressure, spinal traction, and, what we’ll be talking about today, myofascial release. For some, rolling out on the Chirp Wheel+ hurts a bit; while for others, the Chirp Wheel+ relaxes muscles by providing a complete massage. If rolling out on the Chirp Wheel+ hurts, that means you might need to use it that much more. Let me tell you why.

What is myofascial release?

The Chirp Wheel+ uses a type of therapy called myofascial release. Muscle pain is often caused by stiff or fixed areas of muscle that restrict muscle and joint movement. Myofascial release therapy works by loosening the stiff muscles through massage, leading to reduced muscle pain. This type of therapy is usually used to treat myofascial pain syndrome or to release pressure from regular muscle knots. 

Often, myofascial release therapy happens during a massage therapy session (with a masseuse or with a tool like the Chirp Wheel+), a chiropractic session, or a physical therapy session. Normal myofascia (the small outer sheath surrounding your muscles) is pliable or elastic. Myofascia that is causing you pain is stiff or firm. If you go to a professional for help, they will feel your muscles for tight areas and gently massage those tight areas to release pressure caused by stiff myofascia. This process of massage must be repeated for the best results, especially if something in your daily routine is causing stiff muscles. 

Because your muscles are connected, the pain you feel might be in a different spot where the pain is originating. This is called referred pain. Once you locate a muscle knot or trigger point, massaging it with the Chirip Wheel+ can help reduce your referred pain.

Why does myofascial release hurt sometimes?

Just like when you are getting myofascial release through a massage, myofascial release with the Chirp Wheel+ might hurt sometimes. Why? Your body reacts to massage in two ways: the relaxation response and the mechanical response. Your relaxation response slows your breathing and relaxes your blood pressure and stress. Your mechanical response increases blood flow to the area being massaged and relaxes your muscles, releasing nerves and deep connective tissues. The pain is often caused when the massage reaches the nerve roots. This is why you must be careful with and respect your body. There is good and bad pain. If you have to hold your breath during a massage or if you feel sharp or hot pain, too much pressure is being applied. You might have heard the phrase, “it hurts so good.” That is a type of good pain that happens when tense muscles are released. If you feel the good type of pain, continue to massage regularly to help the pain go away and stay away.

How can I get past the pain into a great massage with the Chirp Wheel+?

  1. Try using a different size wheel. If you are using the Deep Tissue Chirp Wheel+ or the Medium Chirp Wheel+ and you feel too much pain, switch to the Gentle Chirp Wheel+. The pain you are feeling might simply be because too much pressure is being applied to your muscles. Always start off with a gentle massage and gradually work down to the deeper massage with the smaller wheels. Rolling out on the wheels this way will help you feel less pain and will get to the source of your pain safer and faster.
  2. Try using the wheel differently. If the Gentle Chirp Wheel+ is too much pressure for you, try using the wheel differently. Instead of rolling out on the ground, roll out against the wall. Or simply lean back against the wheel for acupressure and muscle tension release.
  3. Use it consistently and more often. Use the Chirp Wheel+ regularly. This will help you get a deeper massage with each session on the wheel and will help you reach the true root of the pain. 

Other reasons the Chirp Wheel+ might be causing you pain:

  1. You are using the wheel for too long or not long enough. It helps to know yourself and your muscles when you use the Chirp Wheel+. If you use the wheel for more than 15 minutes at a time and at the end of the 15 minutes you start to feel pain, you might be using the wheel for too long. If you feel pain immediately when you are using the wheel and it is a good pain, you might not be using the wheel long enough. Try powering through the pain. As long as you can still breathe regularly, it is a good pain. Try also using the wheel twice a day and regularly. You might just have very stiff muscles and the wheel is working to try and help you release the tension that has built up over time.
  2. You just worked out or did something different from your usual routine. Sometimes using the wheel after working out will cause more pain because your muscles are warm from the work out, which allows the wheel to reach deeper into your muscles. Similar to a foam roller, the pain you feel when using the wheel after a workout is normal. If the pain is too much, consider rolling out at a different time or using the wheel differently.
  3. You have disc issues or other spinal issues. Always consult your doctor before using the Chirp Wheel+. If you feel sharp or hot pain when using the wheel, stop and ask your doctor if you have a herniated disc or another spinal issue. Your back pain might be better treated with a different method of therapy. However, some customers say that the Chirp Wheel+ helped with the pain from their herniated disc.
  4. You are using the wheel incorrectly. To use the Chirp Wheel+ correctly, make sure the wheel is aligned in the center of your back. Always start off with the biggest wheel for the least amount of pressure and gradually work towards the smaller wheels. If rolling out on the wheel on the ground is too much pressure for your muscles, try rolling out against the wall or try simply leaning back against the wheel on the ground. There are a lot of different ways to use the Chirp Wheel+ for back pain relief. Read our blog to learn more ways to use the Chirp Wheel+.


Bauer, B. A. (2019, April 20). Can myofascial release relieve back pain? Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/back-pain/expert-answers/myofascial-release/faq-20058136.

Gaiam. (n.d.). 9 Foam Roller Dos and Don'ts. Retrieved from https://www.gaiam.com/blogs/discover/9-foam-roller-dos-and-don-ts#:~:targetText=We'll be honest; foam,pain should feel much better.

Holland, K. (2016, December 16). What Is Myofascial Release? Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/chronic-pain/myofascial-release.

Jussila, E. (2018, January 18). Should a massage ever hurt? Retrieved from https://urban.co/editorial/should-a-massage-ever-hurt/.

Kane, K. (2018, June 29). Should your massage actually hurt? Retrieved from https://www.wellandgood.com/good-advice/should-massage-hurt/.