3 Tips to Relieve Postpartum Joint Pain

3 Tips to Relieve Postpartum Joint Pain

Pregnancy and pain are two words that go hand-in-hand unfortunately. From morning sickness all the way to the delivery of your child, there is a lot of work for your body and a lot of pain. After delivering your baby, you might still experience postpartum joint pain along with other postpartum pains. You might start to wonder: when will the pain end? That’s where we come in. We want to give you all the information you need to relieve your postpartum joint pain and help you feel like yourself again.

What causes postpartum joint pain and how to treat your pain

Your postpartum joint pain symptoms may have actually started during your pregnancy from hormonal changes and physical demands of pregnancy and the birth of your child. You may have experienced hip pain during your pregnancy and might continue to experience it for up to a few months after delivering your baby. Other types of postpartum joint pain include pain in your fingers and knees. 

Postpartum finger joint pain

You might experience joint pain in your fingers after childbirth. This stems from the highly physical demands of labor (aka grabbing onto something for support in one position for long hours during labor) and fluid retention. When you’re pregnant, your body retains extra fluid to help prepare your pelvic joints for delivering a baby. This fluid retention can cause carpal tunnel syndrome in the hands. Your doctor can help you find supportive gloves/gear and other treatments. 

Treatment: Use an ice pack or compression bandages to help reduce swelling and pain in your fingers. Talk to your doctor if your pain lasts longer than a few weeks. 

Postpartum hip pain

There are a few possible causes of postpartum hip pain such as pelvic girdle pain (PGP), piriformis syndrome, or hyperthyroidism. 

Treatment: Ask your doctor about your hip pain to help with the right treatment options. Using the Chirp Wheel might be helpful to relieve tension in your back and hips; ask your doctor if it’s right for you.

Postpartum knee pain

Postpartum knee pain might result from carrying extra weight during pregnancy. If your pain doesn’t seem to improve after delivery, speak with your doctor about hyperthyroidism or other possible causes. 

Treatment: Approved exercises and stretches to strengthen your legs and knees will also be helpful in minimizing pain.



How long does postpartum joint pain last

Most postpartum joint pain can last up to a few months after childbirth. However, in rare cases, your pain can be ongoing or lifelong. If at any time you’re concerned about your postpartum joint pain, ask your doctor about your symptoms to get the help you need. 

How to treat postpartum joint pain 

  1. Roll out on the Chirp Wheel. Using the Chirp Wheel to massage your leg and back muscles can help relieve pain and tension in your hips and back. Check out these 8 ways to roll on the Chirp Wheel for Hip Pain.
  2. Try a chiropractor. Chiropractic adjustments can help return your body back to normal after delivering a baby and can help reduce your hip pain and postpartum joint pain.
  3. Exercise and stretch. After your doctor’s approval, stretching and exercising can do wonders for postpartum joint pain. During your pregnancy, you might have lost some strength in your core and other muscles. Bringing your strength back can help relieve your pain and make you feel like yourself again. 


American Pregnancy Association. (2021). Swelling during pregnancy. Retrieved from https://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/pregnancy-health-wellness/swelling-during-pregnancy/#:~:text=Why%20Am%20I%20swelling%20during,weight%20women%20gain%20during%20pregnancy.

Kandola, A. (2021, January 29). What is postpartum joint pain and why does it develop? Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/postpartum-joint-pain#finger-pain

Khan, A. (2019, August 28). Joint pain after delivery. Retrieved from https://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/joint-pain-after-delivery-causes-and-home-remedies/

Vann, M. R. (2010, November 10). How to manage pain after pregnancy. Retrieved from https://www.everydayhealth.com/pain-management/pain-after-pregnancy.aspx