Hip pain, like back pain, can be debilitating. Both types of pain are easy to brush off and try and live with. However, it is safer for you to do something about your pain. There is a solution to hip and back pain! You don’t have to live with it. Here are some of the early warning signs of hip conditions so that you can catch your pain quickly and treat it even faster.
Early warning signs
It is a good idea to consult your doctor about your hip pain if you have any of these early warning signs of a hip condition.
- Groin pain. If the pain is on the inside of your hip at the groin, your pain is likely from your hip joint. If the pain is on the outside of your hip, your upper thigh, or your outer buttock, your pain is likely from soft tissues and muscles surrounding your hip joint. Pain from muscles or tissues is much easier to stretch away and treat.
- Stiffness when bending. If simple activities are difficult for you like tying your shoes, picking up a toy, or taking out the trash, you should consult your doctor to see what you can do about your hip pain and tightness.
- Limping around. Sometimes it is easy to brush off pain and tough it out. You think you just have to live with hip pain or sciatica, but that is not the case. There are plenty of solutions to hip pain. Take notice of your pain, especially if you are limping, and consult your doctor for help.
- Swelling and soreness around the hip. Swelling could be a sign of something serious, and if you are experiencing swelling around your hip, you should seek medical help immediately.
- You’re overweight. Being overweight puts extra strain on your joints, and losing weight is often one of the first suggestions from a doctor when you experience hip pain. Although it is much easier said than done, losing weight could help you reduce your hip pain.
- You rarely exercise. Exercising and stretching helps maintain joint flexibility. If you’re genetically prone to arthritis and you have hip pain, your lack of exercise could increase your risk of developing arthritis faster. Swimming, cycling, walking, and simple stretching are great activities to help keep your joints flexible without pain.
Some at-home treatments for hip pain
Rest. If you are extremely active, sometimes rest is just what you need to help reduce your hip pain. Even if you aren’t active, rest can help you heal faster. Try not to sleep or rest on the side that hurts.
Roll out on the Chirp Wheel. Using the Chirp Wheel regularly can help open up your hips and massage out tight and sore muscles. Try using the Deep Tissue Chirp Wheel+ on your muscles surrounding your hip. This can help reduce hip pain caused by soft tissues and muscles.
OTC painkillers. Over-the-counter pain medication can help temporarily relieve some pain and reduce inflammation. However, taking these medications for a long period of time can cause other issues. If your hip pain has lasted for a long time, consult your doctor for another solution.
Hot & Cold Therapy. Cold therapy can help reduce inflammation and numb pain. Heat therapy can help reduce tension. It is great to use heat therapy before you stretch so that you can stretch easier and safer.
When to see your doctor
If your hip pain doesn’t go away after stretching, exercising, resting, hot & cold therapy, or losing weight, it is likely you have a more serious hip condition.
Seek medical help as soon as possible if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- Your joint appears deformed
- You can’t move your leg or hip
- You can’t walk of bear weight on your leg
- Unbearable pain
- Swelling
- You are experiencing a fever, chills, or redness of the affected area
The Bone & Joint Center. (2019, November 8). What Are the First Signs of Hip Problems? The Bone & Joint Center. https://www.bone-joint.com/what-are-the-first-signs-of-hip-problems/.
Cirino, E. (2012, January 30). Hip Pain Treatment: At-Home Remedies and Medical Relief. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/hip-pain-treatment.
Lutes, W. B. (2017). Five Ways to Find Relief from Hip Pain. Aurora Health Care. https://www.aurorahealthcare.org/patients-visitors/blog/five-ways-you-can-get-relief-from-hip-pain.
Mayo Clinic. (2019, April 10). Hip pain. https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/hip-pain/basics/definition/sym-20050684.