Using the Chirp Wheel to help you challenge your yoga practice might be the best thing you ever did for your balance, flexibility, and strength. It can even help you get up to that head stand you’ve been trying to do for so long or strengthen your arms for the perfect crow pose. These challenging yoga poses can be made a little easier with the support of the Chirp Wheel. And when you need to wind down at the end of your practice, don’t put the wheel aside, keep it out for even deeper stretching and a relaxing back roll out.
Check out all the ways the Chirp Wheel can enhance your yoga practice and make you the yogi you’ve always wanted to be.
Benefits of using the Chirp Wheel for your yoga practice:
- Assists with difficult poses safely
- Challenges your balance, flexibility, and strength
- Provides a deeper stretch
Note: These poses are performed best with the 12 inch Chirp Wheel.
Head to knee

- Sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you.
- Grab the wheel and place it under your left ankle.
- Lean forward and breathe deeply.
- Hold for as long as you wish. Repeat on both sides.
Standing forward fold

- Stand in a mountain pose with the wheel behind your legs.
- Bend down into a forward fold. For a deeper stretch, grab onto the wheel behind your legs and breathe.
- Release.
Supported boat
- Sit down on the ground with the Chirp Wheel at your side.
- Slowly lean back into a boat pose as you lift your legs up so your shins are parallel to the ground.
- When you’re ready, grab the wheel and hook it around both feet and straighten your legs, while holding onto the wheel with your hands. (This provides a little extra support and stretch).
- If you’d like to challenge yourself further, lift one hand up at a time.
- Hold for as long as you wish.
Supported crow

- Stand with the wheel between your feet.
- Place your hands on the ground in front of you.
- Engage your core to lift one foot off the ground and place it on the wheel. Then place the other foot on the wheel. (Feel free to practice with one leg at a time.)
- Hold for as long as you can. This will help strengthen your arms and core until you can do the pose on your own.
Supported full pigeon
- Sit on your heels and place the wheel behind your back.
- Lean back over the wheel, trying to keep the wheel between your feet.
- If you can, reach over your head and grab onto the wheel.
- Relax. This is also a great chest opener.
Supported gate pose

- Kneel on the ground and place the wheel to your left side.
- Lift your left leg and place your calf on top of the wheel.
- Reach your right hand up and to the left as you hold onto your left leg with your other hand.
- Repeat on both sides.
Supported half moon

- Stand with the wheel on the ground at your right side.
- Place your right hand on top of the wheel as you lift your left leg up parallel to the ground.
- Reach your left arm up the sky and bring your gaze with it.
- Hold for as long as you can. Repeat on both sides.
Supported headstand
- Start on your knees and elbows and place the wheel in front of you.
- Touch the top of your head to the ground between your arms and grab onto the wheel with your hands.
- Kick your legs up into a headstand. If this is difficult for you, move so the wheel is up against a wall and kick your legs up to touch the wall.
Lifted lizard lunge
- Start in a plank position with the wheel between your feet.
- Lunge your left leg up on the outside of your hands.
- Lift your back leg and rest your shin on top of the wheel for a deeper stretch.
- Do this on both sides.
Supported lunge
- Once in a high lunge, place the wheel under the thigh of your back leg.
- This is a restful way to lunge and can provide an additional stretch.
Supported shoulder stand

- Start on your back with your knees bent and the wheel at your side.
- Pull your knees to your face as you bring the wheel under your sacrum.
- Holding onto the wheel, lift your legs straight up in the air.
Supported thread the needle

- Start on your hands and knees with the wheel directly in front of you.
- Place your left hand on the wheel and thread the needle through with your right hand.
- Do this on both sides.
Finch, Laura. (2020, June 26). 33 Yoga Wheel Exercises To Try Today: Increase Strength, Balance & Flexibility. Retrieved from
Kilikita, J. (2018, January 17). 7 Reasons Why The Yoga Wheel Will Be 2018'S Most Popular Exercise Prop. Retrieved from
Prosource Fit. (2018, April 19). 5 yoga wheel exercises to build strength. Retrieved from