The first question everyone asks us! A yoga wheel is going to become your best friend and is a game changer in the yoga industry. It is the newest fitness prop that helps you stretch, challenges your balance, and adds a new element into your workout routine. The yoga wheel can be used with a countless number of yoga positions, some which are demonstrated on our Instagram and Photo Gallery. With each size of wheel there are several different exercises and poses that can be done for those who are beginners or advanced. The yoga wheel can also be used for athletes trying to increase flexibility, dancers, surfers, gymnasts, physical therapy patients, nursing mothers, or for your little ones! Our microwheel is especially great at targeting specific muscle groups whereas our larger wheels will give you a deeper stretch. All wheels in all sizes will help your flexibility and open up your back, hips, chest, and shoulders.
The Plexus Yoga Wheel can also be used as a tool of balance and can relieve back pain. There are a number of health benefits to the Plexus Yoga Wheel but relieving back pain is one of the most popular reasons our wheel is purchased. Starting your day stretching with the yoga wheel is not only beneficial in meditation regards but can eliminate back pain and create a more lumbar and healthy spine.

Each wheel comes in pebble grey, earth brown, rose pink, and aurora purple. The Yoga wheel is extremely portable and weighs only four pounds and can fit into any yoga or gym bag. Our wheels are initiating a revolution in yoga studios and gyms across the country as the Plexus team is beginning to delve into wholesale business and distributing to studios and stores everywhere. Try a yoga wheel today!